Who defines gender equality? Social analysts have long been split on this question.
We need to understand the perception of the woman empowerment inside single communities, by the app we will distribute a questionnaire, Within the survey, we draw on the items that speak most directly to women’s experiences of and
attitudes toward gender equality. How they feel in their daily lives, they consider themselves protected, they consider effective the provisions aimed at favoring the reconciliation between life times and working times, what they
would like to see achieved,
This survey is annonymous and survey details will be used for research purposes only. However, if you wish to be contacted to get involved with SheRows project, please enter your details at the very end of this survey. Many thanks in advance for completing this survey.
Questo questionario è anonimo e le risposte saranno utilizzate solo per scopi statistici. Se sei interessata a farti coinvolgere in prima persona sul progetto, inviaci una mail a info@sherows.eu Grazie per aver speso del tempo a completare questo questionario.